AFFIRMING the Philippines' commitment to social justice, Labor Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma vowed to continue working with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and its member states in renewing the country's social contract and pursuit of social justice.

In his ministerial statement before the 112th International Labor Conference held June 12 in Geneva, the Labor Chief said that, in the world of work, the social contract involves governments and workers, employers, entrepreneurs, and their organizations.

"It serves as the path to freedom and social justice, with sustainable and inclusive development and decent work as the vehicle," said Laguesma in his statement.

"It must also be dynamic and responsive, needing renegotiation from time to time, especially in periods of complex transformations and great stress like what we are seeing today," he added, highlighting that it should be stable and aligned with universally shared values embodied in international labor standards and in the national systems that put these into effect.

Among the areas that the Philippines is committed to working with the ILO member-states include strengthening the policy coordination at the national, regional, and global levels and promoting knowledge exchange within the international labor community to modernize policy, legal, and institutional frameworks.

Also included in the commitment is helping mobilize and channel resources to development plans and programs in areas where it is most needed; and strengthening democratic and governance institutions, including continuously enhancing the capacity of the tripartite partners to engage in responsible, constructive, respectful, and truthful social dialogue.

Highlighting the Philippines' strategies to promote decent work, Secretary Laguesma also shared that the country is actively working on the promotion of green jobs, modernizing technical and vocational education, and training with an emphasis on digitalization and innovation, improving the productivity of micro, small, and medium enterprises and in agriculture, enhancing institutions to promote and protect rights of workers, strengthening labor inspection, and operationalizing its social protection floor.

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