Japanese Ambassador Kazuya Endo warmly welcomed the first batch of officers from the newly formed Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (Jenesys) Philippines Alumni Association (JPAA) for a special courtesy call at his residence in Makati City on June 10.

Led by their President, Prof. Joseph Guinto Navarro, the JPAA officers shared their transformative experiences as Jenesys alumni, emphasizing how the exchange program in Japan has positively influenced their career paths and personal lives. Ambassador Endo expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the participants for choosing Japan during their formative years and for their continued role as cultural ambassadors bridging Japanese and Filipino communities. He congratulated them on becoming the inaugural leaders of the JPAA and pledged his support for their future endeavors.

On X (formerly Twitter), the Japanese Ambassador expressed optimism on meeting the Alumni Association saying, "The future of Japan-Philippines friendship is in great hands. The inspiring stories of Jenesys PH Alumni are nothing short of magical, and I am confident that their passion and leadership will lead them to an exciting path ahead."

The JPAA was established in 2023 following the Jenesys Philippines Beneficiaries Grand Convergence Event, hosted by the National Youth Commission and the Sibol: Jenesys 2022 Batch 54 FOIP Exchange. The association represents Filipino youth who have participated in the Jenesys program, an initiative funded by the Japanese Government.

Since its inception in 2007, the program has facilitated the cultural exchange of over 3,000 Filipinos who have visited Japan, gaining valuable insights into Japanese culture, society, and various professional fields such as economics and technology.

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