Hundreds of people will gather at Cheltenham Racecourse later as part of the town's running festival.

The event, which offers 5k, 10k or Half Marathon distances, is especially poignant for some, as this year it is being held on Father's Day.

Among the festival's runners will be Daisy Lowrie, 19, who is raising money for childhood bereavement charity, Winston's Wish.

Daisy, whose dad died seven years ago to the day, said: "It is a great feeling to know that we are helping others by fundraising and taking part in the run."

Ms Lowrie, a Winston’s Wish youth ambassador, is travelling from Hertfordshire to run with her brother Archie, in memory of her dad, Richard.

She added: "We thought it would be a good idea to use the opportunity to help others who have found themselves in the same position we did seven years ago.

“Taking part in the run and seeing how much money we have raised is bittersweet, but it shows how far we have both come since we lost him."

Gloucester-based Winston’s Wish supports more than 60,000 UK children and young people up to the age of 25 when someone significant to them dies.

Winston’s Wish is the official charity partner of the festival, which is open to juniors aged 11 and older.

Kerry Waite, the charity's sporting and challenge events officer, said: "It’s amazing to see so many people join our community and help us to continue providing the right support at the right time for these bereaved children and young adults."

It is estimated that each day, 127 young people are told a parent has died.

Ms Waite added: “This year’s event is especially poignant as many will recognise the 16 June as Father’s Day.

"Many of the children and young people we support are bereaved of their fathers and so this day will not only stand as a powerful reminder for all those who are grieving the death of their dads but especially as a uniting moment for those who come together to help us support them.”

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