MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum on Thursday named a former Mexico City official as her minister of energy in a second round of cabinet appointments set to take office with her in October.

Sheinbaum turned to several former officials from the capital's government who worked under her while she was mayor.

Among them were Luz Elena Gonzalez for energy minister and Jesus Esteva for transportation minister.

Gonzalez had previously led finance and administration duties for the city, while Esteva headed the public works department.

Current Economy Minister Raquel Buenrostro will serve as the head of the federal comptroller's office, Sheinbaum added, while Deputy Minister for Agrarian Development Edna Vega Rangel will move up to the ministry's top post.

Physician David Kershenobich will be health minister, she added.

(Reporting by Diego Ore; Writing by Kylie Madry; Editing by Cassandra Garrison)

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