• Labour 2019 pledge to maintain fuel payments as 'universal benefits' is dropped

Pensioners were warned last night that Labour is 'coming for your winter fuel payments' after the party left the door open to means-testing older people's benefits.

In 2019, Labour guaranteed that fuel payments, free TV licences and bus passes would be maintained as 'universal benefits'.

The decision has raised fears that Sir Keir Starmer will revive plans by former leader Ed Miliband to introduce means-testing for the winter fuel payment.

But the guarantee has been quietly dropped from the party's manifesto, with Labour now promising only to maintain the state pension 'triple lock' (rising in line with inflation, average wage increase or 2.5 per cent, whichever is higher).

The decision has raised fears that Sir Keir Starmer will revive plans by former leader Ed Miliband to introduce means-testing for the winter fuel payment.

The benefit is a tax-free annual lump sum paid to pensioners to help with heating costs in the colder months.

It is normally worth between £100 and £300 per household, depending on age, and costs the Treasury £2 billion a year.

However, in 2023 and 2024 pensioners are receiving between £250 and £600 because of an additional cost-of-living payment.

Some over-60s are also entitled to free bus travel and poorer pensioners aged over 75 qualify for a free TV licence.

The Conservative manifesto includes a pledge to keep all current pensioner benefits, including winter fuel payments, as well as free bus passes, prescriptions and TV licences.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride warned older voters that their benefits would be at risk under Labour. 'We already know Labour will hammer pensioners with their retirement tax dragging the new state pension into income tax for the first time in British history,' he said.

'Now there can be little doubt Labour are coming for your winter fuel payment, bus passes, prescriptions and TV licences.

'Labour's first budget is shaping up to be a dreadful attack on pensioners' security and dignity. Only the Conservatives have committed to keep these lifeline benefits for pensioners so they can enjoy dignity in retirement.'

Labour sources insisted there were no plans to change the eligibility for pensioner benefits but did not explicitly rule it out. 

A spokesman said: 'The last Labour government lifted over a million pensioners out of poverty, ensuring dignity and security in retirement. With Keir Starmer's leadership, the next Labour government will retain the triple lock.'

Labour introduced the winter fuel allowance in 1997 but has debated means-testing it in the past. At the 2015 election, Mr Miliband proposed stripping the allowance from the richest five per cent of pensioners to save money.

Labour's reticence will prompt fears that the party could look at means-testing again as shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves searches for cash in her first Budget.

The Tories are pressuring Labour over their refusal to match their pledge that the basic state pension will never be taxed. This raises the prospect that older people could be forced to pay income on the state pension for the first time during Labour's first term.

In Wednesday's TV debate, Rishi Sunak said: 'If you are a pensioner, you should know, there is a retirement tax coming for you. Capital R, capital T, if he is your prime minister.' Sir Keir said: 'Pensioners are not going to be better off with a prime minister who's making promises that he can't keep because they're not funded.'

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