Britain's depleted military capability has left our Armed Forces unable to defend the country properly, a senior official warned last night.

Pushing defence back into the political spotlight just days before the election, the devastating assessment also found that our troops are unprepared for 'conflict of any scale'.

It came against the backdrop of growing concerns that a Labour government will leave the UK vulnerable to foreign enemies – and unable to offer any practical support to embattled Ukraine.

The Prime Minister responded last night with an emotive plea for voters to prioritise security when they vote on Thursday, cautioning that we are 'living in the most dangerous time that we've seen in decades'.

While the Conservatives have provided a clear timetable for vital increases in defence spending, Sir Keir Starmer has refused to offer the same commitment.

It has led Rishi Sunak to warn that Russian president Vladimir Putin would prefer Labour to form the next government. The critique of the UK's military decline was presented by Rob Johnson, who led a government team responsible for measuring the country's readiness for war.

Mr Johnson, who spent two years in the role, revealed Britain would 'rapidly' run out of ammunition and be powerless to prevent missile attacks. He added that the Navy and Air Force were desperately short of ships and aircraft, and said the UK was not spending enough money to rectify these critical issues.

His intervention comes after the Mail has repeatedly called for increases in defence investment – while our Don't Leave Britain Defenceless pressured the Government into its recent pledge to spend 2.5 per cent of GDP on defence by 2030.

Worryingly for the country, Mr Johnson's appraisal was met with unanimous agreement from leading defence figures. Mr Sunak said: 'Right now we're living in the most dangerous time that we've seen in decades in our country. And in spite of that, Labour are not matching our plans to keep everyone safe.

'I think this sends quite a worrying message to our adversaries like Putin, that we're not serious about security.'

Sir Keir said he had shown a 'united front' with the Government on support for Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky.

'I've been to see President Zelensky in Kyiv myself personally to say, should there be a change of government, there won't be any change in our support for Ukraine,' he said. Former head of the Army General the Lord Dannatt told the Mail that Mr Johnson's assessment was a 'searingly honest account of the woeful state of our Armed Forces'.

Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon also warned that Putin would exploit any weaknesses on the front bench of a prospective Labour government – such as the previous refusal of those in the Shadow Cabinet to back Trident.

He said: 'Sir Keir, if he enters Downing Street, must get on top of defence first, otherwise everything else he intends to achieve will become horrifically irrelevant.'

General Sir Richard Barrons added: 'Right now, our Armed Forces are not up to the job. We need to accelerate their modernisation and transformation.' Mr Johnson, a respected academic, was appointed in 2022 to head up the Secretary of State's Office for Net Assessment and Challenge.

According to the MoD, the purpose of the 25-person unit in Whitehall was to ensure the UK's defensive capabilities operated 'at peak performance'.

Mr Johnson told the Financial Times: 'In any larger-scale operation, we would run out of ammunition rapidly. Our defences are too thin and we are not prepared to fight and win an armed conflict of any scale.

'The UK has reached a situation where it cannot defend the British homelands properly.'

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