THE National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) said that the Amun Jadid, or Islamic New Year, will be observed on Sunday, July 7.

Al-Hijra marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year and falls on the first day of the month of Muharram in the Islamic lunar calendar.

Since the lunar cycle determines the Islamic New Year, its date varies yearly and does not always align with the Gregorian calendar.

Al-Hijra commemorates the Hijra, which translates as "departure," of the Prophet Muhammad, who migrated from Mecca to Medina with his followers to establish an Islamic community and spread Islam.

This occurred on 1 Muharram 622 CE, the date from which the Islamic calendar is calculated. During Al-Hijra and the month of Muharram, Muslims reflect on this journey.

Al-Hijra is not a religious holiday, but it marks the start of Muharram, one of the sacred months in the Islamic calendar.

Al-Hijra is a time for reflection, and some Muslims will make resolutions or observances to mark the occasion. Muharram is considered one of the four sacred months of the Islamic year. JAVIER JOE ISMAEL

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