MANILA, Philippines — The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines slammed the United States for stoking tensions in the South China Sea (SCS) even though it was not a party to the disputed sea.

"When diplomatic efforts are being made by China and the Philippines to manage differences, the United States stokes the situation instead of promoting peace and facilitating talks," the Chinese Embassy said in a statement late Thursday. 2024. 

The Chinese Embassy was reacting to reports that US Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson said at an event at the East-West Center that the chorus against threats to peace and stability in the South China Sea was growing louder and stronger.

China is urged to abide by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 arbitral ruling.

Carlson also called on China to cease "harassment" of Philippine vessels lawfully operating in the Philippine exclusive economic zones, and end interference with the freedoms of navigation and overflight of all states lawfully operating, not only in this region but around the world.

However, the Chinese Embassy asserted that history and facts show that the United States has never been a solution to but rather the problem itself.

"Ironically, a state that has neither signed nor ratified Unclos, the US never failed to use Unclos to denounce others. While calling on upholding "rule-based international order," the US refuses to execute the judgment and advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice and resolution of the UN General Assembly," the Chinese Embassy said.

"Its application of international law and order is selective. It sends aircraft and warships to the South China Sea to flex muscles under the pretext of exercising freedom of navigation," the Chinese Embassy said.

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